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XRazzle! An XScreenSaver Hack

hacked by Bradley Bell


XRazzle draws animated, color-cycling, abstract, random-line stereograms (the kind you have to cross your eyes to see). Have a look at the screenshots, and imagine the designs and colors constantly changing. No, you won't see a dinosaur or a boat or anything like that, they're completely abstract.


XRazzle accepts the following options as X resources or command-line options:

drawFunc The drawing function to use, numbered 1 to 38 -- You'll have to look at the source code to see what they are. Default value is 0, which makes it pick one at random.
paletteType Type of palette fill to use. 1=smooth, 2=uniform, 3=random, 4=open ramp, 5=closed ramp, 6=loop Defaults to 0, which will pick one at random.
nColors Number of colors to use, from 64 to 256. Default is 256.
nMax Number of iterations to make before switching to the next drawing function. Default is 1000.
delay Time in microseconds to delay between frames. Default is 500.
cycle Cycle colors The same as X resource *cycle: True
no-cycle Do not cycle colors (default) The same as X resource *cycle: False
nCycle Number of iterations to wait before cycle. Default is 5.
hCells Numbers of cells to display horizontally. Defaults to 0, which picks a random number between 4 and 8.
vCells Numbers of cells to display vertically. Defaults to 0, which picks a random number between 1 and 7.
stereo Display the patterns in stereo (default). The same as X resource *stereo: True
no-stereo Display the patterns without stereo. The same as X resource *stereo: False



Bigger screenshots

XRazzle! is Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Bradley Bell
The original Razzle! code is Copyright (C) 1995 Richard L. Smith
The original Razzle! source code can be downloaded here:
Bradley Bell